Nonstationary Series


Nonstationary Series

Nonstationary Series

  • Introduction:
  • Key Questions:
  • What is nonstationarity?
  • Why is it important?
  • How do we determine whether a time series is nonstationary?

What is nonstationarity?

Recall from earlier part on stationarity:

  • Covariance stationarity of y implies that, over time, y has:
  • Constant mean
  • Constant variance
  • Co-variance between different observations that do not depend on that time (t), only on the “distance” or “lag” between them (j):

\(Cov(Y_t,Y_{tj})= Cov(Y_s,Y_{s+j})= \gamma_j\)

Thus, if any of these conditions does not hold, we say that \(y_t\) is nonstationary:

There is no long-run mean to which the series returns (economic concept of long-term equilibrium)

The variance is time-dependent. As time goes on, the variance of the series increases or decreases.

Theoretical autocorrelations do not decay, sample autocorrelations do so very slowly.

Nonstationary series can have a trend:

  • Deterministic: nonrandom function of time:

\(y_t=\mu+\beta t+u_t\) , where \(u_t\) is “iid”

  • Example \(\beta=0.45\)

Non-stationary series can have a trend:

  • Stochastic: random trend, varies over time

    • Random Walk: \(y_t=b y_{t-1}+\epsilon_t\)

    • Random Walk with Drift: \(y_t=\mu+y_{t-1}+\epsilon_t\) (as before, \(\epsilon_t\) is iid)

  • \(\mu\) is the “Drift”;
    if \(\mu>0\), then \(y_t\) will be increasing

Question: RW is a special of what process?

Example of a random walk

RW with Drift=0.05

RW with drift is 2

Key Questions:

  • What is nonstationarity?

  • Why is it important?

  • How do we determine whether a time series is nonstationary?

Consequences of non-stationarity

  • Shocks do not “die out”

  • Statistical consequences

  • Non-normal distribution of test statistics

  • Bias in AR coefficients; poor forecast ability

Shocks do not die out

  • Consideer a general AR(1): \(y_t=b y_{t-1}+\epsilon_t\)
  • Can be expressed as an MA(q): \(y_t=b^t y_0+\epsilon_t+b\epsilon_{t-1}+b^2\epsilon_{t-2}+. . .+\\b^{t-2}\epsilon_2+b^{t-1}\epsilon_1\)

The impact of shocks (disturbances) will depend on values of \(b\).

\(y_t=b^t y_0+\epsilon_t+b\epsilon_{t-1}+b^2\epsilon_{t-2}+. . .+\\b^{t-2}\epsilon_2+b^{t-1}\epsilon_1\)

Three cases

  1. \(b<0\), \(b^t\) →0 as \(t\) →∞ , so the effects of a shock will diminish as time elapses

  2. \(b=1\), \(b^t=1\) for all t; effect persists, \(y_t=y_0+\sum_{i=1}^{n}\epsilon_{t-i}\) variance grows indefinitely with time.

  3. \(b>1\), shocks become more influential over time.

Statistical consequences of nonstationarity

  • Non-normal distribution of test statistics

  • Bias in autorregressive coefficients (b’s);

  • we might mistakenly estimate an AR(1),

  • deficient forecast

  • Usual confidence intervals for coefficients not valid

Statistical consequences of non-stationary for multivariate regressions

  • For example, two unrelated nonstationary series \(y\) and \(x\) might appear to be related through a standard OLS regression

  • Hight \(R^2\)

  • t-statistics that appear to be siginficant

  • The true test: are the regression residuals stationary? (i-e., long-run equilibrium relationship between \(y\) and \(z\))

Spurious regression practical exercise:

Simulate two random walk series: \(y\) and \(z\) (each with its two disturbances, and either can have drift or not)

  • Note by construction, they are unrelated
  • Run OLS regression of \(y\) on \(z\), evaluate coefficients, \(R^2\), and plot residulas

Key Questions:

  • What is nonstationarity?

  • Why is it important?

  • How do we determine whether a time series is non- stationary?

Testing for non-stationarity

  • Recall AR(1) model: \(y_t=by_{t-1}+\epsilon_t\)

  • Special case: RW, when \(b=1\)

  • Sationarity requires \(b<1\)

  • Generalizing to AR(p) :

    • Roots of the polynomial below must all be \(>1\) in abs value \(1-b_1Z-b_2Z^2-b_3Z^3-\dots -b_pZ^p\)

    If one of the roots=1, then y is said to have a unit root

  • AR(1) model : \(y_t=by_{t-1}+\epsilon_t\)

  • Can test for whether \(y\) is a driftless random walk:

  • \(H_0: b=1\) Or, equaivalently: \(\Delta y_t=\Psi y_{t-1}+\epsilon_t\), \(\Psi=b-1\)

\(H_0: \Psi=0\) - This the ‘Dickey-Fuller’ (DF) test: - Regress \(\Delta y\) on its lag, test for significance of coefficient.

Can extend simple DF test in previous slide:

  • Intercept: \(\Delta y_t=\mu+\Psi y_{t-1}+\epsilon_t\)
  • Intercept and time trend: \(\Delta y_t=\mu+\Psi y_{t-1}+\alpha t+\epsilon_t\)
  • In all three cases, \(H_0:\Psi=0;\) \(y\) has a unit root

Rejecting the unit root test =

find that \(y\) is stationary

Note: critical values for the \(t-statistics\) of \(b\) will vary depending on whether intercept, trend are included.

Some terminology

  • Order of integration: number of times a series \(y\) must be differenced to become stationary
  • Thus, if \(y\) is “integrated of order zero”, \(I(0)\), then it is stationary (no differencing needed).
  • That is, it is stationary in levels
  • If \(y\) is \(I(1)\), then its first difference (\(\Delta y\)) is stationary \(\dots\) and so on \(\dots\)

Moving beyond white noise disturbances

DF test assumes that \(\epsilon_t\) is white noise.

  • However, if \(\epsilon_t\) is autocorrelated, need different version of the test, allowing for higher-order lags:

  • Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test:

\(\Delta y_t=\mu+ \gamma y_{t-1}+\sum_i^p \beta_i\Delta y{t-i+1}+\epsilon_t, \gamma=-(1-\sum_i^pb_i)\) and


ADF test

  • As with DF, ADF tests whether coefficient on \(y_{t-1}(\gamma)\neq0\)

  • Must make choices

  • Intercept, trend, both, none?

  • p: how many lags? (test statistics are very sensitive to p) - AIC - SBC - General-to-specific (start out with large p, then re-estimate with successively smaller p)

DF, ADF have been found to have low power in certain circumstances:

Stationary processes with near-unit roots

– For example, difficulty distinguishing between \(b = 1\) and \(b = 0.95\) , especially with small samples.

Trend stationary processes

So alternative tests have been designed.

Phillips-Perron (PP) Test:

  • Formulation: \(\Delta Y_t=\mu^*+\delta^*t+\Psi y_{t-1}+u_t\) where \(u_t\) is I(0) and may be hetroscedastic and autocorrelated, that is following an ARMA(p,q).
  • \(H_0: \Psi=0\)
  • PP corrects for any serial correlation and heteroskedasticity in the errors ut by directly modifying the test statistics.
  • One advantage of PP: no need to specify lag length.

Kwiatkowski–Phillips–Schmidt–Shin (KPSS)Test:

  • Null hypothesis: \(y_t\) is trend stationary

  • Formulation: \(y_t=\beta_0 D_t+\mu_t+u_t\) \(\mu_t=\mu_{t-1}+\epsilon_t\)

  • Where \(D_t\) contains deterministic components (constant or constant plus time trend), \(\mu_t\) is a random walk

  • \(H_0: \sigma_{\epsilon}^2=0\)

  • \(H_1: \sigma_{\epsilon}^2>0\)

  • KPSS critical values are obtained by simulation methods.

A few notes: A few notes: - DF, ADF, and PP are called “unit root tests”; the null hypothesis is that yt has a unit root; is I(1) or higher.

  • KPSS, on the other hand, is a “stationarity test”, null hypothesis is that yt is I(0).

  • Correct specification is key: intercept and trend should be included when appropriate.

  • Structural breaks can complicate matters further.

A unified way of looking at the unit root tests Slightly different representation: \(y_t=\mu+\alpha t+ u_t\) \(u_t=\rho u_{t-1}+\epsilon_t\)

\(H_0: =1\) y has a unit root

\(H_1: |\rho|<1\) y is stationary

  • If \(\epsilon_t\) is white noise, then DF can be used
  • If \(\epsilon_t\) is ARMA(p,q) then use ADF or PP

Simulate three processes:

  • Stationary process with near-unit roots

  • Trend stationary process

  • An I(1) process

  • Graph them and observe their behavior

  • Conduct Unit Root/Stationarity Tests on all three.

In “Simulated Times Series Examples.xlsx”

  • Simulate an I(0) process with a structural break

  • Import into R

  • Graph and observe

  • Conduct Unit Root/Stationarity Tests

Now let’s work with real world data

  • Choose a series:

  • Look at graph and correlogram for a specific time series

  • Does it appear to be non-stationary? Does it appear to have a trend, or a structural break?

  • Undertake Unit Root/Stationarity Tests

  • Do the different tests agree?

  • If you suspect a structural break, re-test for two sub-samples