Understanding and minimizing nonsense in digital world

Zahid Asghar


- You don’t “learn R”, you learn how to do things in R

- In order to do learn this, you need to learn how to search for what you want to do

- Quarto for beautiful documents (pdf, word, html, pptx, revealjs, beamer, website, blogs, book/thesis/reports)

Why R

  • Free and open source

  • A very large community

  • Can handle virtually any data format

  • Makes replication easy

  • Can integrate into documents (with Quarto)

  • R is a language so it can do everything

    • A good stepping stone to learning other languages like Python

Excel (or Stata) Can’t Do This

ggplot(data = gapminder, 
       aes(x = gdpPercap,
           y = lifeExp,
           color = continent))+
  geom_smooth(method = "lm")+
    scale_x_log10(breaks=c(1000,10000, 100000),
    labs(x = "GDP/Capita",
         y = "Life Expectancy (Years)")+
  guides(color = F)+

Or This

The average GDP per capita is ` r dollar(mean(gapminder$gdpPercap)) ` with a standard deviation of ` r dollar(sd(gapminder$gdpPercap)) `.

The average GDP per capita is $7,215.33 with a standard deviation of $9,857.45.

Or This

leaflet() %>%
  addTiles() %>%
  addMarkers(lng = 73.0885, lat =33.7333 ,  
             popup = "IPRI, Islamabad")

Nature News Piece

2156: Women finish time for 100 m in 8.08 seconds while men will finish in 8.10 seconds.
Letter by Prof Rice to Nature : In 2626 a far more interesting : women in less than zero seconds will finish 100 meter race

192 Years to overcome gender gap

Data Reasoning in Digital World

  • How to refute nonsense/bullshit/false claims

  • Why our quant courses not very helpful

  • Each of us create lot of nonsense (irrespective of idealogy, belongings, profession)

  • Skills for talking bullshit vs Art of Critical Skill

  • Way forward

Bullshit is not a new phenomenon

  • Millions of years even among animals

  • Easy access to information has overloaded access

  • Paltering vs Lying

Falsehood flies and the truth comes limping after it

  • Ex-PM conspiracy theory by a powerful country

  • Truth emerges when perception on bullshit has done its damage.

  • Alberto Barndonlini in 2014, it states: “The amount of energy need to refule bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it.”

  • Satirist Jonathan Swift wrote in 1710 that “that falsehood flies, and truth comes limping after it.”

  • FD Roosevelts’ secretary of state, Cordell Hull: “A lies will gallop halfway round the world before the truth has come to pull its breeches on.”

Why lot of nonsense/bullshit

Bullshit (Brandolini, Franelli and Swifts taken together)is

  1. bullshit takes less work to create that to clean up.

  2. takes less intelligence to create than to clean up, and

  3. spreads faster than efforts to clean it up.

What new quantitative reasoning practice might arise with the use of new technological capabilities for exploring quantities?

Consider the use of digital tools for:

  • accessing the meaningful data

  • visualizing data

  • creating models and simulations of phenomena,

  • interacting with quantitities using multi-touch environments and gestures.

Accessing Meaningful Data

  • Engage directly with the context of a task– not contrived! Posing your own questions.

  • Large Messy data – understand its structure and how to process it!

  • Access to new tools to answer

  • trusting data sources

Visualizing data

Chopal/Baithak Gupshup and Face the Nation to Facebook

Social media provides a fertilizer for the rapid proliferation of distractions, misinformation, bullshit, and fake news.

No time but smartphone to spread bullshit

  • Positive: easy to fact check but why bullshit goes unchecked

  • Brothel of printing press

  • Anything can be produced if one has personal computer and internet

  • The inadequacy of the unvarnished truth

  • Mindless lists , quizzes, memes, and celebrity gossip that proliferate media might crowd out careful analyses of the sort one sees in responsible media.

  • Prior to internet, large publishers cared about content and quality

Headlines for retention not for information

Algorithms make things even worse. They are not designed to keep you informed but to keep you engaged.

Being careful is admirable but it does not sell ads. Social media is fertile ground for disinformation.

Tech entrepreneur Jeff Hammerbacher (Allen Ginsberg) complained in 2011 that “The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads. That sucks.” Sophisticated ways to diverge our attention from real issues.

Misinformation and Disinformation

December 2016, a website called AWD News published a frightening headline:

“Israeli Defense Minister: If Pakistan Send Ground Troops to Syria on Any Pretext, We Will Destroy the Country With Nuclear Attack.”

Story made a big headline and it named the wrong person as the Israeli Defense Minister.

Khawaja M Asif, then Pak Def Min via twitter responded

“Israeli def min threatens nuclear retaliation presuming pak role in Syria against Daesh…Israel forgets Pakistan is a Nuclear state too.”

Think more share less

Social media: firehouse strategy, our trust in friends and institutions erode.

Gary Kasprov summarized this approach in a post on Twitter: “The point of modern propaganda isn’t only to misinform or push an agenda, It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.”

Approaches for protecting ourselves against misinformation

  1. Technology: AI technology to detect fake news

  2. Government regulations

  3. Most powerful approach is education. If we do a good job of educating people in media literacy and critical thinking, the problem of misinformation and disinformation can be solved from the bottom up.

  • Due to internet bullshit spreads more easily in a massively networked, click-driven social media world than in any previous social environment. (Friends, Uncle, Small advertisement gatherings on roadside)

The Nature of Bullshit

Persuasive vs evasive

Bullshit and Black Boxes

Cat people earn more than dog people, ANCOVA, p-value

Biases, data representation, relevant to the problem

Criminals and Machine Learning

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence


Red Sky at Night , Sailor’s delight

“Forget about a baby boom - rising home prices appear to be causing many would-be parents to think twice before expanding their family.” Even the headline suggests causality: “Another Adverse Effect of High Home Prices: Fewer Babies.”

Beer and Pitcher

“Where minimum wage is higher, poverty is lower.” is not the same claim as “If minimum wage were to increase, poverty would decrease.”]{.yellow} The first reports a trend across cities: Those with higher minimum wage have lower poverty rates. The second suggests how one might go about reducing poverty in a particular city.

Numbers and Nonsense

Math \(2+2=4\) Eng \(2+2\approx4\)

Accountant: “Before I put anything in writing,”he says in a lower whisper, “what you want it to be?”

Data can never lie is dangerous perspective, planets story 8, then 9 and now again 8

Summary statistics condense information but if inappropriate, it can be misleading

Percentage not appropriate if negative numbers


Confirmatory Bias

Confirmation bias is the tendency to notice, believe, and share information that is consistent with our preexisting beliefs.

Selection Bias

Desirability Bias

Bandwagon Effect Bias

People who are in good health are more likely to participate in wellness program. Its not wellness program cause good health.

The Hidden Cause of Murphy’s Law

In Portugal: 60% of families with children have only one child, but 60% of children have siblings.


Edward Tufte : While aesthetics are important, data graphics should be about the data, not about eye-catching. Graphs that violate this principle are called “ducks”.

Axis of evil

Ch 9 The Susceptibility of Science

  • Science is humanity’s great invention

  • 13.7 billion years ago big bag

  • Not ultimate reality Science is haphazard collection of institutions, norms, customs, and traditions that have developed by trial and error over the past several centuries.

  • Academicians’ science for prestige and on twitter and social media while industrial science is concerned with output. Rewarding prestige instead of direct output is a wonderful trick for allowing a broad community of researchers to work together efficiently with minimal disruption of effort.

Replication crisis begain in 21 century often fraud or incompentency

  • 5/53 cancer studies reproducible
  • 39/100 in social psychology
  • 1/18 in experimental economics

The Prosecutor’s Fallacy “There is absolutely no chance of getting a fingerprint match this good simply by accident.” Is it different than “No, we want to know what chance there is that my client is innocent given that we’ve got a match.”

P(Match/innocent) \(\neq\) P(innocent/match)

P-value used by scientists is often like an innocent person match the fingerprint from the crime.

A p-value describes the probability of getting data at least as extreme as those observed, if the null hypothesis were true.

P-Kaching and Publication Bias

Significant results over-reported than non-significant results

“These two groups don’t differ”, “This treatment doesn’t change the outcome”, “Knowing x does not help us predict y.” Reading all this implies like we are right back where we started.

Often nudge their p-value across that critical p=0.05

How to avoid pitfall : Specify your hypothesis before analyze data, otherwise torturing data enough will submit it to nature

1000 researchers 1000 hypothesis about relationship between political victories and analgesic use, all of which are fale. 50 lucky winners will rite up their results.

  • Biased Sample

  • File drawer effect

  • Why most published research findings are false.

  • Base rate fallacy

  • Clickbait Science

  • General public often skeptical

The market for Bullshit Science

Goodhart’s law :“What a measure becomes a target, it ceased to be a good measure.

Parasites on the scientific publishing system, sucking tens of million of dollars from the academic system and polluting the literature with millions of unreliable articles. Web design and fraud Spam email: We congratulate you on this excellent work. If you have an additional research in this area, we would urge you to consider our journal for next publication….”

Image from Google docs notes

Spotting Bullshit

Bullshit spotting requires care (walking at night)

1. Question the source of information

  • who is telling me this?
  • How does he or she know it?
  • What is this person trying to sell me?

2. Beware of Unfair Comparisons

3. It it seems too good or too bad to me to be true

4. Think in orders of magnitude

Lies are designed to lead away from the truth; bullshit is produced with a gross indifference to truth.

NBC Nightly News story titled “Survey Finds Foreign Students Aren’t Applying to American Colleges.”

Refuting Bullshit

Spotting Bullshit vs Calling Bullshit

Calling Bullshit

Calling Bullshit is a performative utterance in which one repudiates something objectionable.

The scope of targets is broader than bullshit alone. You can call bullshit on bullshit, but you can also call bullshit on lies, treachery, trickery, or injustice.