Analysing used car sales data for Pakistan

Zahid Asghar, SOE, QAU

used cars for sale

clrs <- MetBrewer::met.brewer(name = "Java")
clrs_lt <- colorspace::lighten(clrs, 0.9)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.retina = 3, collapse = TRUE)
options(digits = 3, width = 75)

Why R

There is an increasing recognition of reproducibility of research, though it has limited recognition in social sciences. The document in your hand is written in Quarto. Quarto which can be used for pdf, html, word, PowerPoint/Slidy/Beamer Presentations, Webpages, LaTex and many others. Besides learning basics of R-coding, another objective of this workshop is understanding the importance of reproducibility. Building this new habit of reproducible work at times maybe little challenging occasionally. Getting rid of culture of copying and pasting, and sparing this time for doing data analysis and research is one of the objectives of this or coming workshops. Purpose is to help you to get away from this tedious activity so that you can spend more time doing science.

Installing and loading packages

The first thing we need to do is install and then load the tidyverse set of R packages to provide us with lots of extra functionality. You only need to install this once: once it’s installed we can simply load it into the workspace using the library() function each time we open a new R session.

Understanding data sets requires many hours/days or in some cases weeks.There are many commercially available software but open source community based software have now dominated and R is one of these. R makes data understanding process as easy as possible through the dplyr package. It is one of the easiest solution for code-based data analysis. We will learn in this training how to do it. In case, you need more information, you can watch my videos.

I have discussed the Gapminder dataset in my videos, you can watch those videos. gapminder package is available through CRAN, so make sure to install it. Here’s how to load in all required packages:

options(knitr.table.format = "html")

**The dataset to be used is pakwheels data obtained from kaggle and you can download data from the link data download or from my github repository. We read data as follows

#pakwheels_11Jul2020 <- read_csv("C:/Users/92300/Downloads/archive/pakwheels-11Jul2020.csv")
#pakwheels<-saveRDS(pakwheels_11Jul2020,file = "pakwheels.rds")

pakwheels <- readRDS("D:/RepTemplates/data_analytics/pakwheels.rds")

pakwheels |> head()
## # A tibble: 6 × 16
##   `Ad No` Name        Price `Model Year` Location Mileage `Registered City`
##     <dbl> <chr>       <chr>        <dbl> <chr>      <dbl> <chr>            
## 1 4096758 Toyota Vit… 2385…         2017 G- 8, I…    9869 Un-Registered    
## 2 4168305 Toyota Cor… 1110…         2019 Peshawa…   11111 Islamabad        
## 3 4168298 Suzuki Alt… 1530…         2019 Akora K…   17500 Un-Registered    
## 4 4168307 Suzuki Alt… 1650…         2019 Abdulla…    9600 Lahore           
## 5 4168306 Toyota Cor… 1435…         2010 9th Ave…  120000 Islamabad        
## 6 4168303 Honda Civi… 3850…         2017 Peshawa…   22000 Islamabad        
## # ℹ 9 more variables: `Engine Type` <chr>, `Engine Capacity` <chr>,
## #   Transmission <chr>, Color <chr>, Assembly <chr>, `Body Type` <chr>,
## #   Features <chr>, `Last Updated` <chr>, URL <chr>

First few rows of data are displayed here and there 56186 observations in total. We will start from scratch and end up a sophisticated analysis. Firs step in dealing with data is to clean up the data and bringing it in workable format. It is said that every tidy data is alike but every messy data is messy in its own way. So lets see whether this data are in neat and clean format.

Data Overview

Pipe operator %>% or |> play very nicely with dplyr and make our code very easy to understand. For this lets have an overview of data for which one can use glimpse() or str() for structure of data and to view entire spreadsheet use View().View command opens data in new worksheet while glimpse lists nature of variables (numeric/character/factor…) and total number of rows and columns.To see first 6 and last 6 observations use head() and tail() ,respectively.


## Rows: 56,186
## Columns: 16
## $ `Ad No`           <dbl> 4096758, 4168305, 4168298, 4168307, 4168306, 41…
## $ Name              <chr> "Toyota Vitz F 1.0 2017", "Toyota Corolla GLi A…
## $ Price             <chr> "2385000.0", "111000.00000000001", "1530000.0",…
## $ `Model Year`      <dbl> 2017, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2010, 2017, 2017, 2012,…
## $ Location          <chr> "G- 8, Islamabad Islamabad", "Peshawar KPK", "A…
## $ Mileage           <dbl> 9869, 11111, 17500, 9600, 120000, 22000, 31000,…
## $ `Registered City` <chr> "Un-Registered", "Islamabad", "Un-Registered", …
## $ `Engine Type`     <chr> "Petrol", "Petrol", "Petrol", "Petrol", "Petrol…
## $ `Engine Capacity` <chr> "1000 cc", "1300 cc", "660 cc", "660 cc", "1300…
## $ Transmission      <chr> "Automatic", "Automatic", "Automatic", "Manual"…
## $ Color             <chr> "Silver", "White", "White", "White", "Black", "…
## $ Assembly          <chr> "Imported", "Local", "Local", "Local", "Local",…
## $ `Body Type`       <chr> "Hatchback", "Sedan", "Hatchback", "Hatchback",…
## $ Features          <chr> "ABS, AM/FM Radio, Air Bags, Air Conditioning, …
## $ `Last Updated`    <chr> "Jul 11, 2020", "Jul 12, 2020", "Jul 12, 2020",…
## $ URL               <chr> "…
## # A tibble: 6 × 16
##   `Ad No` Name        Price `Model Year` Location Mileage `Registered City`
##     <dbl> <chr>       <chr>        <dbl> <chr>      <dbl> <chr>            
## 1 4096758 Toyota Vit… 2385…         2017 G- 8, I…    9869 Un-Registered    
## 2 4168305 Toyota Cor… 1110…         2019 Peshawa…   11111 Islamabad        
## 3 4168298 Suzuki Alt… 1530…         2019 Akora K…   17500 Un-Registered    
## 4 4168307 Suzuki Alt… 1650…         2019 Abdulla…    9600 Lahore           
## 5 4168306 Toyota Cor… 1435…         2010 9th Ave…  120000 Islamabad        
## 6 4168303 Honda Civi… 3850…         2017 Peshawa…   22000 Islamabad        
## # ℹ 9 more variables: `Engine Type` <chr>, `Engine Capacity` <chr>,
## #   Transmission <chr>, Color <chr>, Assembly <chr>, `Body Type` <chr>,
## #   Features <chr>, `Last Updated` <chr>, URL <chr>
## # A tibble: 6 × 16
##   `Ad No` Name        Price `Model Year` Location Mileage `Registered City`
##     <dbl> <chr>       <chr>        <dbl> <chr>      <dbl> <chr>            
## 1 3339018 Nissan Kix… 1900…         2012 Faisala…   42000 Faisalabad       
## 2 3349017 Honda Civi… 3250…         2015 Lahore …  125000 Lahore           
## 3 3722322 Toyota Pri… 4000…         2015 Peshawa…   35000 Lahore           
## 4 3748215 Toyota Aqu… 3000…         2016 Gujranw…   60000 Lahore           
## 5 3785520 Honda Veze… Call…         2015 Multan …   45000 Un-Registered    
## 6 3806951 Toyota Cor… 2250…         2015 Gujranw…   77000 Gujranwala       
## # ℹ 9 more variables: `Engine Type` <chr>, `Engine Capacity` <chr>,
## #   Transmission <chr>, Color <chr>, Assembly <chr>, `Body Type` <chr>,
## #   Features <chr>, `Last Updated` <chr>, URL <chr>

One can observe that Price and Engine Capacity are character variables while we know Price is numeric variable and should fall in cateogry of dbl used in R for numeric variable. Similarly Engine Capacity can be made numeric if we remove cc from it. In the follow chunk I am going to convert these two variables as numeric


pakwheels$price<-as.numeric(pakwheels$Price) ## To convert price as numeric, R-base command. There are other ways to do the same
pakwheels$hp <- as.numeric(gsub("([A-Za-z]+).*", "", pakwheels$`Engine Capacity`)) ## To take numeric values from variable Engine Capacity and lets give it a new name: hp.
pakwheels$company <- gsub("([A-Za-z]+).*", "\\1", pakwheels$Name)  ## To take first word from column Name for taking it a 

So far so good. We have converted now three new variables price, hp and company. Variable names should preferably not have space between their names. Better use one word or use hyphen or underscore. Lets have a look at data again.

## Rows: 56,186
## Columns: 19
## $ `Ad No`           <dbl> 4096758, 4168305, 4168298, 4168307, 4168306, 41…
## $ Name              <chr> "Toyota Vitz F 1.0 2017", "Toyota Corolla GLi A…
## $ Price             <chr> "2385000.0", "111000.00000000001", "1530000.0",…
## $ `Model Year`      <dbl> 2017, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2010, 2017, 2017, 2012,…
## $ Location          <chr> "G- 8, Islamabad Islamabad", "Peshawar KPK", "A…
## $ Mileage           <dbl> 9869, 11111, 17500, 9600, 120000, 22000, 31000,…
## $ `Registered City` <chr> "Un-Registered", "Islamabad", "Un-Registered", …
## $ `Engine Type`     <chr> "Petrol", "Petrol", "Petrol", "Petrol", "Petrol…
## $ `Engine Capacity` <chr> "1000 cc", "1300 cc", "660 cc", "660 cc", "1300…
## $ Transmission      <chr> "Automatic", "Automatic", "Automatic", "Manual"…
## $ Color             <chr> "Silver", "White", "White", "White", "Black", "…
## $ Assembly          <chr> "Imported", "Local", "Local", "Local", "Local",…
## $ `Body Type`       <chr> "Hatchback", "Sedan", "Hatchback", "Hatchback",…
## $ Features          <chr> "ABS, AM/FM Radio, Air Bags, Air Conditioning, …
## $ `Last Updated`    <chr> "Jul 11, 2020", "Jul 12, 2020", "Jul 12, 2020",…
## $ URL               <chr> "…
## $ price             <dbl> 2385000, 111000, 1530000, 1650000, 1435000, 385…
## $ hp                <dbl> 1000, 1300, 660, 660, 1300, 1500, 1000, 1000, 3…
## $ company           <chr> "Toyota", "Toyota", "Suzuki", "Suzuki", "Toyota…

So now we have 19 variables and price and hp are numeric variables.

Key components of handling data

  • View, glimpse, structure
  • head, tail
  • Column Selection
  • Data Filtering
  • Data Ordering
  • Creating Derived Columns
  • Calculating Summary Statistics
  • Grouping

Information in pakwheels data

To rename a variable, there are various ways. I am using a command rename(new_va=old_var).

pakwheels<-pakwheels|>rename(year=`Model Year`)
 # kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F)
pakwheels|>count(year)|>arrange(desc(year))# How many cars by year model are listed for sale
# A tibble: 30 × 2
    year     n
   <dbl> <int>
 1  2019  3166
 2  2018  3820
 3  2017  4628
 4  2016  4484
 5  2015  4900
 6  2014  4430
 7  2013  3342
 8  2012  3146
 9  2011  2621
10  2010  2117
# ℹ 20 more rows

As there are a large number of observations and it is not possible to find out through scrolling how many missing observations in the data. We use a command na.omit() to find out how many missing observations and give a new name to our data without losing our original data as follows: glimpse(gapminder) # We see that there are 1704 rows for 6 columns and also tells nature of variable #View(gapminder) # This opens up full data in a new window

pkw<- pakwheels|>na.omit()
## Rows: 44,917
## Columns: 19
## $ `Ad No`           <dbl> 4096758, 4168305, 4168298, 4168307, 4168306, 41…
## $ Name              <chr> "Toyota Vitz F 1.0 2017", "Toyota Corolla GLi A…
## $ Price             <chr> "2385000.0", "111000.00000000001", "1530000.0",…
## $ year              <dbl> 2017, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2010, 2017, 2017, 2012,…
## $ Location          <chr> "G- 8, Islamabad Islamabad", "Peshawar KPK", "A…
## $ Mileage           <dbl> 9869, 11111, 17500, 9600, 120000, 22000, 31000,…
## $ `Registered City` <chr> "Un-Registered", "Islamabad", "Un-Registered", …
## $ `Engine Type`     <chr> "Petrol", "Petrol", "Petrol", "Petrol", "Petrol…
## $ `Engine Capacity` <chr> "1000 cc", "1300 cc", "660 cc", "660 cc", "1300…
## $ Transmission      <chr> "Automatic", "Automatic", "Automatic", "Manual"…
## $ Color             <chr> "Silver", "White", "White", "White", "Black", "…
## $ Assembly          <chr> "Imported", "Local", "Local", "Local", "Local",…
## $ `Body Type`       <chr> "Hatchback", "Sedan", "Hatchback", "Hatchback",…
## $ Features          <chr> "ABS, AM/FM Radio, Air Bags, Air Conditioning, …
## $ `Last Updated`    <chr> "Jul 11, 2020", "Jul 12, 2020", "Jul 12, 2020",…
## $ URL               <chr> "…
## $ price             <dbl> 2385000, 111000, 1530000, 1650000, 1435000, 385…
## $ hp                <dbl> 1000, 1300, 660, 660, 1300, 1500, 1000, 1000, 3…
## $ company           <chr> "Toyota", "Toyota", "Suzuki", "Suzuki", "Toyota…

So now we have 44,917 observations aftere liminating missing observations.

dplyr features

One of the most widely used package in R for data wrangling is dplyr which is under tidyverse or you can simply recall dplyr.

  1. filter() to keep selected observations
  2. select() to keep selected variables
  3. arrange() to reorder observations by a value
  4. mutate() to create new variables
  5. summarize() to create summary statistics
  6. group_by() for performing operations by group

Now I shall mention some of the powerful but very simple to use features of dplyr. ## Column Selection

More often than not, you don’t need all columns of a data set for your analysis. For example PDHS files have more than 5000 columns in some files and maybe 40 or 50 or even fewer than that are needed for your analysis. Select() function of R’s dplyr is used to select columns of your interest Three selected columns are selected as follows. You can give new name to this data.

pkw %>% select(price, hp, company)
## # A tibble: 44,917 × 3
##      price    hp company   
##      <dbl> <dbl> <chr>     
##  1 2385000  1000 Toyota    
##  2  111000  1300 Toyota    
##  3 1530000   660 Suzuki    
##  4 1650000   660 Suzuki    
##  5 1435000  1300 Toyota    
##  6 3850000  1500 Honda     
##  7 1440000  1000 Suzuki    
##  8 1425000  1000 Mitsubishi
##  9 2650000  3000 Toyota    
## 10 3350000  1800 Honda     
## # ℹ 44,907 more rows

In case you want to select most of the variables and drop one or two, you may proceed as follows

pkw |> select(-URL)
## # A tibble: 44,917 × 18
##    `Ad No` Name              Price  year Location Mileage `Registered City`
##      <dbl> <chr>             <chr> <dbl> <chr>      <dbl> <chr>            
##  1 4096758 Toyota Vitz F 1.… 2385…  2017 G- 8, I…    9869 Un-Registered    
##  2 4168305 Toyota Corolla G… 1110…  2019 Peshawa…   11111 Islamabad        
##  3 4168298 Suzuki Alto VXL … 1530…  2019 Akora K…   17500 Un-Registered    
##  4 4168307 Suzuki Alto VXR … 1650…  2019 Abdulla…    9600 Lahore           
##  5 4168306 Toyota Corolla X… 1435…  2010 9th Ave…  120000 Islamabad        
##  6 4168303 Honda Civic 1.5 … 3850…  2017 Peshawa…   22000 Islamabad        
##  7 4168304 Suzuki Wagon R V… 1440…  2017 Gulberg…   31000 Lahore           
##  8 4168309 Mitsubishi Mirag… 1425…  2012 Askari-…  101000 Lahore           
##  9 4168310 Toyota Prado TZ … 2650…  1998 Sargodh…  110000 Rawalpindi       
## 10 4168311 Honda Civic Orie… 3350…  2017 Air Ave…   60000 Lahore           
## # ℹ 44,907 more rows
## # ℹ 11 more variables: `Engine Type` <chr>, `Engine Capacity` <chr>,
## #   Transmission <chr>, Color <chr>, Assembly <chr>, `Body Type` <chr>,
## #   Features <chr>, `Last Updated` <chr>, price <dbl>, hp <dbl>,
## #   company <chr>

So url column is now not shown above.

Data Filtering

Filtering is another very important task one has to do in one’s analysis. Sometimes, one has to select sale related to a particular city or agent or quarter. Here is how one uses filter() command for data with a condition. We are using here command only to select data for year 2007 for all the countries. I am going to explain filter variable of dplyr. filter is used only to select rows for a given condition. I am going to select data only for year 2007.

pkw_szk<- pkw %>% filter(company=="Suzuki")|> select(`year`, price, hp,Color,Assembly, Transmission,`Engine Type`, `Mileage`, `Registered City`)
## Rows: 14,199
## Columns: 9
## $ year              <dbl> 2019, 2019, 2017, 2012, 2016, 2018, 2000, 2016,…
## $ price             <dbl> 1530000, 1650000, 1440000, 920000, 1625000, 840…
## $ hp                <dbl> 660, 660, 1000, 1000, 660, 800, 1000, 660, 660,…
## $ Color             <chr> "White", "White", "White", "Grey", "Brown", "Wh…
## $ Assembly          <chr> "Local", "Local", "Local", "Local", "Imported",…
## $ Transmission      <chr> "Automatic", "Manual", "Manual", "Manual", "Aut…
## $ `Engine Type`     <chr> "Petrol", "Petrol", "Petrol", "Petrol", "Petrol…
## $ Mileage           <dbl> 17500, 9600, 31000, 83000, 45000, 55000, 90000,…
## $ `Registered City` <chr> "Un-Registered", "Lahore", "Lahore", "Lahore", …
year price hp Color Assembly Transmission Engine Type Mileage Registered City
2019 1530000 660 White Local Automatic Petrol 17500 Un-Registered
2019 1650000 660 White Local Manual Petrol 9600 Lahore
2017 1440000 1000 White Local Manual Petrol 31000 Lahore
2012 920000 1000 Grey Local Manual Petrol 83000 Lahore
2016 1625000 660 Brown Imported Automatic Petrol 45000 Un-Registered
2018 840000 800 White Local Manual Petrol 55000 Islamabad
2000 400000 1000 Assembly Local Manual Petrol 90000 Multan
2016 1445000 660 White Imported Automatic Petrol 65000 Lahore
2013 1495000 660 White Local Automatic Petrol 85000 Islamabad
2016 1495000 660 Burgundy Local Automatic Petrol 63000 Karachi

Compared to previous one, pkw_szk is showing data only for There are 14,199 cars. The tibble (name used for data in tidyverse form) pkw is being piped into the function filter(). The argument company == "Suzuki" tells filter() that it should find all the rows such that the logical condition year == "Suzuki is TRUE.

Have we accidently deleted all other rows? Answer is no.

Nope: we haven’t made any changes to gapminder at all. If you don’t believe me try entering pkw at the console. All that this command does is display a subset of gapminder. If we wanted to store the result of running this command, we’d need to assign it to a variable, for example if you are not sure, lets type

pkw |> filter(company=="Suzuki")
## # A tibble: 14,199 × 19
##    `Ad No` Name              Price  year Location Mileage `Registered City`
##      <dbl> <chr>             <chr> <dbl> <chr>      <dbl> <chr>            
##  1 4168298 Suzuki Alto VXL … 1530…  2019 Akora K…   17500 Un-Registered    
##  2 4168307 Suzuki Alto VXR … 1650…  2019 Abdulla…    9600 Lahore           
##  3 4168304 Suzuki Wagon R V… 1440…  2017 Gulberg…   31000 Lahore           
##  4 4168320 Suzuki Cultus EU… 9199…  2012 Bismill…   83000 Lahore           
##  5 4168327 Suzuki Wagon R F… 1625…  2016 Sui Nor…   45000 Un-Registered    
##  6 4168332 Suzuki Mehran VX… 8400…  2018 Sargodh…   55000 Islamabad        
##  7 4168333 Suzuki Khyber Pl… 4000…  2000 MDA Cho…   90000 Multan           
##  8 4134011 Suzuki Alto S Pa… 1445…  2016 Johar T…   65000 Lahore           
##  9 4168228 Suzuki Wagon R S… 1495…  2013 Hospita…   85000 Islamabad        
## 10 4168257 Suzuki Alto X 20… 1495…  2016 Karachi…   63000 Karachi          
## # ℹ 14,189 more rows
## # ℹ 12 more variables: `Engine Type` <chr>, `Engine Capacity` <chr>,
## #   Transmission <chr>, Color <chr>, Assembly <chr>, `Body Type` <chr>,
## #   Features <chr>, `Last Updated` <chr>, URL <chr>, price <dbl>,
## #   hp <dbl>, company <chr>

Filtering with respect to two variables

One can apply multiple filters

pkw %>% filter(year=="2019",company=="Toyota") ## year 2019 and company is Toyota

Now we are selecting multiple years for Toyota.

pkw %>% filter(year %in%c(2015,2016,2017,2018,2019), company=="Toyota") 

Filtering data for Honda

pkw_hnd<-pkw |> filter(company=="Honda")

Sort data with arrange

Sort data with arrange Suppose we wanted to sort pkw data for Honda by Color. To do this we can use the arrange command along with the pipe |> as follows:


pkw |>filter(company=="Honda") |> count(Color)|>arrange(n)## This sorts in asceding order
## # A tibble: 23 × 2
##    Color         n
##    <chr>     <int>
##  1 Magenta       1
##  2 Orange        3
##  3 Yellow       10
##  4 Navy         17
##  5 Turquoise    17
##  6 Pink         20
##  7 Purple       24
##  8 Indigo       25
##  9 Unlisted     29
## 10 Beige        42
## # ℹ 13 more rows

Descending order requires arrange(desc()) comand

pkw |>filter(company=="Honda") |> count(Color)|>arrange(desc(n))## This sorts in asceding order
## # A tibble: 23 × 2
##    Color        n
##    <chr>    <int>
##  1 White     3425
##  2 Black     1848
##  3 Silver    1603
##  4 Grey       992
##  5 Blue       315
##  6 Assembly   271
##  7 Maroon     162
##  8 Red        150
##  9 Gold       140
## 10 Green      128
## # ℹ 13 more rows

The logic is very similar to what we saw above for filter. Here, I use another important function arrange. The argument count(Color) tells arrange() that we want to sort by Color for Honda company cars. Note that by default arrange() sorts in ascending order. If we want to sort in descending order, we use the function desc().

Change an existing variable or create a new one with mutate

It’s a little hard to read the column peice in pkw data since there are so many digits. Suppose that, instead of price in Rs., we wanted to display price in millions of rupees. This requires us to divide price by 1000000, which we can do using the function mutate() from dplyr as follows:


pkw<- pkw %>% mutate(price_m=price/1000000)

Top bottom prices by companies for pkw data

What are the five lowest and highest car prices for 1300 cc for model year 2017?

pkw |> filter(year=="2017",hp==1300) ## year 2017 and engine capacity 1300
## # A tibble: 758 × 20
##    `Ad No` Name              Price  year Location Mileage `Registered City`
##      <dbl> <chr>             <chr> <dbl> <chr>      <dbl> <chr>            
##  1 4168312 Honda City 1.3 i… 1989…  2017 Lahore …   75000 Lahore           
##  2 4168141 Toyota Corolla G… 2595…  2017 Islamab…   41000 Islamabad        
##  3 4168148 Toyota Corolla G… 2480…  2017 North N…   38000 Karachi          
##  4 4168061 Honda City 1.3 i… 2145…  2017 Bahria …   70000 Islamabad        
##  5 4145330 Toyota Corolla G… 2540…  2017 Karachi…   36000 Karachi          
##  6 4145974 Suzuki Swift DLX… 1570…  2017 Garden …   56000 Islamabad        
##  7 4167831 Toyota Corolla G… 2400…  2017 Bahria …   50000 Islamabad        
##  8 3911337 Suzuki Swift DLX… 1575…  2017 A.F.O.H…   34000 Karachi          
##  9 4167800 Honda City 1.3 i… 2050…  2017 Taj Pur…   85000 Lahore           
## 10 4167728 Honda City 1.3 i… 2025…  2017 Rawalpi…   80000 Islamabad        
## # ℹ 748 more rows
## # ℹ 13 more variables: `Engine Type` <chr>, `Engine Capacity` <chr>,
## #   Transmission <chr>, Color <chr>, Assembly <chr>, `Body Type` <chr>,
## #   Features <chr>, `Last Updated` <chr>, URL <chr>, price <dbl>,
## #   hp <dbl>, company <chr>, price_m <dbl>
## Rows: 44,917
## Columns: 20
## $ `Ad No`           <dbl> 4096758, 4168305, 4168298, 4168307, 4168306, 41…
## $ Name              <chr> "Toyota Vitz F 1.0 2017", "Toyota Corolla GLi A…
## $ Price             <chr> "2385000.0", "111000.00000000001", "1530000.0",…
## $ year              <dbl> 2017, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2010, 2017, 2017, 2012,…
## $ Location          <chr> "G- 8, Islamabad Islamabad", "Peshawar KPK", "A…
## $ Mileage           <dbl> 9869, 11111, 17500, 9600, 120000, 22000, 31000,…
## $ `Registered City` <chr> "Un-Registered", "Islamabad", "Un-Registered", …
## $ `Engine Type`     <chr> "Petrol", "Petrol", "Petrol", "Petrol", "Petrol…
## $ `Engine Capacity` <chr> "1000 cc", "1300 cc", "660 cc", "660 cc", "1300…
## $ Transmission      <chr> "Automatic", "Automatic", "Automatic", "Manual"…
## $ Color             <chr> "Silver", "White", "White", "White", "Black", "…
## $ Assembly          <chr> "Imported", "Local", "Local", "Local", "Local",…
## $ `Body Type`       <chr> "Hatchback", "Sedan", "Hatchback", "Hatchback",…
## $ Features          <chr> "ABS, AM/FM Radio, Air Bags, Air Conditioning, …
## $ `Last Updated`    <chr> "Jul 11, 2020", "Jul 12, 2020", "Jul 12, 2020",…
## $ URL               <chr> "…
## $ price             <dbl> 2385000, 111000, 1530000, 1650000, 1435000, 385…
## $ hp                <dbl> 1000, 1300, 660, 660, 1300, 1500, 1000, 1000, 3…
## $ company           <chr> "Toyota", "Toyota", "Suzuki", "Suzuki", "Toyota…
## $ price_m           <dbl> 2.385, 0.111, 1.530, 1.650, 1.435, 3.850, 1.440…
pkw |> filter(year=="2017"&hp==1300)|>select(company, price, Assembly,Mileage,Color,Transmission)|>arrange(desc(price))|>top_n(10,price)
## # A tibble: 10 × 6
##    company   price Assembly Mileage Color  Transmission
##    <chr>     <dbl> <chr>      <dbl> <chr>  <chr>       
##  1 Toyota  3220000 Local      40000 Grey   Automatic   
##  2 Toyota  3150000 Local      40000 White  Manual      
##  3 Toyota  3150000 Local      40000 White  Manual      
##  4 Suzuki  3000000 Local      35000 White  Manual      
##  5 Toyota  2950000 Local      50000 Silver Automatic   
##  6 Toyota  2890000 Local      40000 Silver Automatic   
##  7 Toyota  2850000 Local      33000 Bronze Automatic   
##  8 Toyota  2800000 Local      14000 Grey   Automatic   
##  9 Toyota  2800000 Local      15000 Silver Automatic   
## 10 Toyota  2800000 Local      20000 Silver Manual

Bottom 10 are reported as follows

pkw |> filter(year=="2017"&hp==1300)|>select(company, price, Assembly,Mileage,Color,Transmission)|>arrange(desc(price))|>top_n(-10,price)
## # A tibble: 10 × 6
##    company   price Assembly Mileage Color  Transmission
##    <chr>     <dbl> <chr>      <dbl> <chr>  <chr>       
##  1 FAW     1220000 Imported   30000 Gold   Manual      
##  2 FAW     1215000 Local      91000 White  Manual      
##  3 FAW     1200000 Local      57000 Gold   Manual      
##  4 FAW     1200000 Imported   50000 White  Manual      
##  5 FAW     1200000 Imported   54000 Black  Manual      
##  6 FAW     1100000 Imported   24000 White  Manual      
##  7 Suzuki  1100000 Local      67000 White  Manual      
##  8 FAW     1080000 Local      82000 Silver Manual      
##  9 FAW     1075000 Imported   90000 Silver Manual      
## 10 Toyota   800000 Local      62800 Grey   Automatic

How to calculate new variables

As mentioned above, mutate is used to calculate new variable. Here,we calculate a new variable price_mill (price in million of Rs.) and then arranged data and selected top_n(10) cars transmute() keeps only the derived column. Let’s use it in the example from above:


pkw %>% filter(year==2017) %>% 
  transmute(price_million=price/1000000) %>% 
  arrange(desc(price_million)) %>% 
  top_n(10, price_million)
## # A tibble: 11 × 1
##    price_million
##            <dbl>
##  1          47  
##  2          45  
##  3          44  
##  4          43.5
##  5          42.5
##  6          42.5
##  7          42.5
##  8          42.5
##  9          42  
## 10          41.5
## 11          41.5


If one wants to have ordered data with respect to specific column(s), arrange() function is used in dplyr. To arrange data by life expectancy, we use arrange() function

If one wants order from top to bottom, then use arrange(desc()) command as follows:

Summarising data

Another feature of dplyr is summarise data

pkw |> filter(year==2018,hp==1300) |> summarise(mean=mean(price),min=min(price),max=max(price))
## # A tibble: 1 × 3
##       mean    min     max
##      <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1 2393775. 239000 3285000

Summarising data by groups


pkw |> filter(year==2018,hp==1300) |> group_by(company) |> summarise(mean=mean(price),min=min(price),max=max(price))
## # A tibble: 4 × 4
##   company     mean     min     max
##   <chr>      <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1 FAW     1305136.  700000 1500000
## 2 Honda   2301686.  239000 2750000
## 3 Suzuki  1820240  1350000 3285000
## 4 Toyota  2661864.  560000 3200000

if_else command alongwith mutate

pkw |>
  filter(year == 2017) |>
  group_by(company) |>
  mutate(under_25 = if_else(Mileage<25000, "Y", "N"))|>
  summarize(avg_price = mean(price)) 

Total number of cars for sale year-wise

## # A tibble: 44,917 × 20
##    `Ad No` Name              Price  year Location Mileage `Registered City`
##      <dbl> <chr>             <chr> <dbl> <chr>      <dbl> <chr>            
##  1 4096758 Toyota Vitz F 1.… 2385…  2017 G- 8, I…    9869 Un-Registered    
##  2 4168305 Toyota Corolla G… 1110…  2019 Peshawa…   11111 Islamabad        
##  3 4168298 Suzuki Alto VXL … 1530…  2019 Akora K…   17500 Un-Registered    
##  4 4168307 Suzuki Alto VXR … 1650…  2019 Abdulla…    9600 Lahore           
##  5 4168306 Toyota Corolla X… 1435…  2010 9th Ave…  120000 Islamabad        
##  6 4168303 Honda Civic 1.5 … 3850…  2017 Peshawa…   22000 Islamabad        
##  7 4168304 Suzuki Wagon R V… 1440…  2017 Gulberg…   31000 Lahore           
##  8 4168309 Mitsubishi Mirag… 1425…  2012 Askari-…  101000 Lahore           
##  9 4168310 Toyota Prado TZ … 2650…  1998 Sargodh…  110000 Rawalpindi       
## 10 4168311 Honda Civic Orie… 3350…  2017 Air Ave…   60000 Lahore           
## # ℹ 44,907 more rows
## # ℹ 13 more variables: `Engine Type` <chr>, `Engine Capacity` <chr>,
## #   Transmission <chr>, Color <chr>, Assembly <chr>, `Body Type` <chr>,
## #   Features <chr>, `Last Updated` <chr>, URL <chr>, price <dbl>,
## #   hp <dbl>, company <chr>, price_m <dbl>
## # A tibble: 135 × 3
## # Groups:   year [30]
##     year company total
##    <dbl> <chr>   <int>
##  1  2019 FAW         5
##  2  2019 Honda     228
##  3  2019 Suzuki     84
##  4  2019 Toyota    345
##  5  2018 FAW        22
##  6  2018 Honda     334
##  7  2018 Suzuki    100
##  8  2018 Toyota    418
##  9  2017 FAW        19
## 10  2017 Honda     237
## # ℹ 125 more rows


In general, higher the Mileage (more the age of a car) , lower the price. To test this assumption, lets calculate percentiles of price. This will indicate how many have ranking lower than the current country.


pkw %>% select(price,year, Mileage) %>% 
  filter(year == 2017) %>%
  mutate(percentile = ntile(Mileage, 100)) %>%
## # A tibble: 4,038 × 4
##       price  year Mileage percentile
##       <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>      <int>
##  1 47000000  2017   18000         11
##  2 45000000  2017   20000         12
##  3 44000000  2017     700          1
##  4 43500000  2017   13000          6
##  5 42500000  2017      50          1
##  6 42500000  2017   25000         17
##  7 42500000  2017   60000         75
##  8 42500000  2017   18000         10
##  9 42000000  2017   16000          9
## 10 41500000  2017   14000          7
## # ℹ 4,028 more rows


So it makes sense that higher the Mileage, lower the price. This is not formal testing but exploratory data makes lot of sense here.

Data visualization

Filtering data as done in introductory analysis seems quite difficult if you are not familiar with these simple things. But if you are working with dplyr for quite sometime, there is not anything very advanced or difficult.

For example, let’s say you have to find out the top 10 countries in the 90th percentile regarding life expectancy in 2007. You can reuse some of the logic from the previous sections, but answering this question alone requires multiple filtering and subsetting:

pkw %>% filter(year==2017) %>% 
  mutate(percentile=ntile(price,100)) %>% 
  filter(percentile>90) %>% 
  arrange(desc(percentile)) %>% 
  top_n(10,wt=percentile) %>% 
## # A tibble: 40 × 4
##    company  Mileage    price    hp
##    <chr>      <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 Mercedes   11000 15500000  2000
##  2 Toyota        50 42500000  4608
##  3 Toyota      4000 26500000  2700
##  4 Toyota     25000 42500000  4608
##  5 Audi       21000 13500000  1800
##  6 Toyota       700 44000000  4600
##  7 Mercedes   12900 17500000  2000
##  8 Toyota     60000 38000000  4608
##  9 Toyota     16500 25500000  2700
## 10 Toyota     20000 45000000  4600
## # ℹ 30 more rows

In case you are interested in bottom 10 (lowest price cars), use top_n with -10.

pkw %>% filter(year==2017) %>% 
  mutate(percentile=ntile(price,100)) %>% 
  filter(percentile<10) %>% 
  arrange(desc(percentile)) %>% 
  top_n(-10,wt=percentile) %>% 
## # A tibble: 41 × 4
##    company Mileage  price    hp
##    <chr>     <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 Toyota    97000 123000  2700
##  2 Suzuki    77928 725000   800
##  3 Suzuki    40000 700000   800
##  4 Suzuki    49000 760000   800
##  5 Suzuki    57000 750000   800
##  6 Suzuki    74000 740000   800
##  7 Suzuki    60000 640000   800
##  8 Suzuki    95000 700000  1000
##  9 Suzuki    39000 730000   800
## 10 Suzuki    68000 730000   800
## # ℹ 31 more rows

Visualizing data to get data insight

Visualizing data is one of the most important aspect of getting data insight and may provide a better data insight than a complicated model. Visualizing large data sets were not an easy task, so researchers relied on mathematical and core econometric/regression models. ggplot2 which is a set of tidyverse package is probably one of the greatest tool for data visualization used in R. In the following sections we are going to visualize gapminder data.

Stat graphics is a mapping of variable to aesthetic attributes of geometric objects.

3 Essential components of ggplot2

  • data: dataset containing the variables of interest
  • geom: geometric object in question line, point, bars
  • aes: aesthetic attributes of an object x/y position, colors, shape, size

Scatter plot


p1<-pkw|>filter(hp>=600 & hp<=3000,`year`==2009)|> mutate(price_m=price/1000000)|>
p1+  labs(x = "Engine capacity", y = "sale price in million of Rs.",
       title = "Used sales car data from pakwheels",
       subtitle = "Data are vehicles listed on pakwheels for sale in 2020",
       caption = "Source: pakwheels, By Zahid Asghar")

If you just want to highlight the relationship between gbp per capita and life Expectancy you’ve probably done most of the work now. However, it is a good practice to highlight a few interesting dots in this chart to give more insight to the plot:


#| eval: false
#tmp <- pkw %>%
  # annotation = case_when(
   # hp < 2000 & price < 700000 ~ "yes",
    #price < 3000000 ~ "yes",
     #Mileage > 15000 ~ "yes"
#) %>% mutate(Mileage=Mileage/10000)
 # arrange(desc(price)) 

# Plot
#ggplot( tmp, aes(x=hp, y=price, size =Mileage , color = company)) +
 #   geom_point(alpha=0.7) +
  #  scale_size(range = c(1.4, 19), name="Price in Million of Rupees") +
   # scale_color_viridis(discrete=TRUE) +
    #theme_ipsum() +
    #theme(legend.position="none") +
    #geom_text_repel(data=tmp %>% filter(annotation=="yes"), aes(label=company), size=4 )

##This is a table of data about a large number of countries, each observed over several years. Let's make a scatterplot with it.
#| eval: false
P<-ggplot(data=pkw,mapping = aes(x=hp,y=price))  



P+geom_point()+geom_smooth(method = "lm")


P+geom_point()+geom_smooth(method = "gam")+scale_x_log10()


P+geom_point()+geom_smooth(method = "gam")+scale_x_log10(labels=scales::dollar)


P<-ggplot(data=pkw,mapping = aes(hp,y=log(price),color="purple"))
P+geom_point()+geom_smooth(method = "loess")+scale_x_log10()

##aes() is for variables
P<-ggplot(data=pkw,mapping = aes(hp,y=log(price)))
P+geom_point(color="purple")+geom_smooth(method = "loess")+scale_x_log10()

P<-ggplot(data=pkw,mapping = aes(hp,y=price))
  geom_smooth(color="orange",se=FALSE,size=5,method = "lm")+

#With proper title
P<-ggplot(data=pkw,mapping = aes(hp,y=log(price)))
  geom_smooth(method = "gam")+
  labs(x = "engine capacity", y = "price of a car for sale",
       title = "pakwheels car sale data",
       subtitle = "Data points are company-years",
       caption = "Source: pakwheels.")

##Continent wise
#| eval: false

p <- ggplot(data = pkw,
            mapping = aes(x = hp,
                          y = price,
                          color = company))
p + geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = "loess") +

p <-pkw|> filter(hp>300)|> ggplot(aes(x = hp,
                          y = price,
                          color = Assembly,
                          fill = Assembly))
p + geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = "loess") +
##Aesthetics can be mapped per geom
#| eval: false
p <-pkw|>filter(hp>500)|> ggplot(aes(x = hp, y = log(price)))
p + geom_point(mapping = aes(color = company)) +
  geom_smooth(method = "loess") +scale_y_log10()+


p + geom_point(mapping = aes(color = company)) +

Bar plot

manufacturers <- pkw |> 
  count(company, sort = TRUE) |> 
    manufacturer = str_to_title(company),
    manufacturer = fct_reorder(company, n) 
manufacturers |> filter(n>100)|>
  ggplot(aes(y = manufacturer, x = n)) +
  geom_col(fill = 'dodgerblue4') +
  theme_minimal() +
    expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.05))
  ) +
    x = element_blank(), 
    y = element_blank(),
    title = 'Number of vehicles in the Pakwheels data set',
    subtitle = "At least 100 vehicles should be in the data to be included in graph",
    caption = "Source: Pakwheels| Zahid Asghar "
  ) +
    panel.grid.major.y = element_blank()

Lollipop chart

manufacturers |> filter(n>100)|>
  ggplot(aes(y = manufacturer, x = n)) +
  geom_point(col = 'dodgerblue4', size = 5) +
    aes(x = 0, xend = n, y = manufacturer, yend = manufacturer),
    linewidth = 1.5,
    col = 'dodgerblue4'
  ) +
  theme_minimal() +
    expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.05))
  ) +
    x = element_blank(), 
    y = element_blank(),
    title = 'Number of vehicles in the Pakwheels data set',
    subtitle = "At least 100 vehicles should be in the data to be included in graph",
    caption = "Source: Pakwheels| Zahid Asghar "
  ) +
    panel.grid.major.y = element_blank()