QnQ Data Analysis for HSF Fellows


Mixed Methods Research

Precise research question and research design is the key. A wrong question will not have right or wrong answer.

  • What is mixed methods research?

  • Qualitative data analysis

  • Quantitative data analysis

  • How these two complement each other?



  • Nvivo for qualitative data , easy to learn

  • Voyant tools

  • MsExcel , basic daily tool

  • SPSS, STATA for quantitative data analysis

  • R : open community software, have a relatively steep learning curve but awesome and most widely used by political scientists both for qualitative and quantitative analysis

  • Python: open community software, very comprehensive ranging from computer scientists to engineering

  • R or Python are highly recommend for long term

Why my choice is R

What is mixed-methods research?

Mixed methods research

offers a process of discovery through rigorous qualitative analysis,

and then empirically investigate it through quantitative analysis.

It is often used misleadingly and

used as a jargon instead of utilising it.

How many Russian soldiers died in Ukraine-Russia war?

  • Russia reports around 6000

  • If you challenge it, how will you proceed

  • Interviews, FGD for some information

Once some clues of under-reporting through rigrous exploration, how will you assess the actual number?

Data shows what Moscow hides

for details click her

  • Visit cemeteries for deaths under 50 yrs

  • Adjustment for covid deaths

  • Get data on new inheritance accounts opened

  • Started with interviewing, discussion, anecdotes, personal interviews and discovered underreporting by Russia, collected quantitative data and analyzed whether its really the case. This is one of the objectives of mixed-method research approach .

Qualitative Data Analysis

Industry Application of Text Analysis

  • Google trends

  • Text Analysis

  • Sentimental Analysis

  • Taxonomy of data

  • Metadata

Data formats

  • [.csv, .txt, .dta , .sav, .xlsx, .RData, …]{style=“color:red;”“}

  • Reading and saving/writing each …

  • parameterized reports cricket_batting data analytics reposity

  • Toshakhana data cleaning

  • tidy vs untidy data

Inspecting data frames


  • dim(df) - returns a vector with the number of rows as the first element, and the number of columns as the second element (the dimensions of the object)

  • nrow(df) - returns the number of rows

  • ncol(df) - returns the number of columns


  • head(df) - shows the first 6 rows

  • tail(df) - shows the last 6 rows


  • names(df) - returns the column names (synonym of colnames() for data.frame objects)


  • str(df) - structure of the object and information about the class, length and content of each column

  • summary(df) - summary statistics for each column

  • glimpse(df) - returns the number of columns and rows of the tibble, the names and class of each column, and previews as many values will fit on the screen.

80% data dealing with these commands

We’re going to learn some of the most common dplyr functions:

  • select(): subset columns

  • filter(): subset rows on conditions

  • mutate(): create new columns by using information from other columns

  • group_by() and summarize(): create summary statistics on grouped data

  • arrange(): sort results

  • count(): count discrete values

Numbers and numbers which matter are different.

Time-line data

Finance Ministers Approach

Economic Policy uncertainty

Economic Policy Uncertainty Index